Thursday, July 9, 2015

Final Speech Outline

General Goal: To persuade
Specific Goal: To persuade my audience about the need to change minimum wage to adjust for an individual's household composition.
Thesis statement: Living adequately off of the federal minimum wage is not adequately possible and therefore should be changed based upon an individual’s household composition and not a flat rate.


I.               Attention Getter (ever earned minimum wage/ live adequately off of it/add people)

A.            75.3 million workers in the United States age 16 and over were paid at hourly rates, representing 59.0 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 1.6 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 2.0 million had wages below the federal minimum. 4.7%

II.             Thesis Statement: Living adequately off of the federal minimum wage is not possible and therefore should be changed based upon an individuals household composition and not a flat rate.

III.           Preview of main points:

A.            Main point 1 (History and purpose of minimum wage)

B.             Main point 2 (Logos Need: Why change it)

C.             Main point 3 (Pathos Need: Story/Personal relate)

[Transition: Know points, let’s roll]


IV.           History and Purpose of Minimum Wage

A.        The purpose of the minimum wage was to stabilize the post-depression economy and protect the workers in the labor force. The minimum wage was designed to create a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees.

 [Transition: Know Point 1/Why Change It ]

V.             Logos Need: Why Change It

A.                    Purpose of the federal statute and current fixed amount is in conflict with common law/legal community findings throughout the United States.

1.         It is black letter common law that what would constitute an undue hardship on a person is the inability to sustain economic adequacy or decent standard of living. A “decent standard of living” or “economic adequacy” is found to mean by common law throughout, at a minimum, 150% of the federal poverty level (“FPL”) for household size and composition. American Law Inst., Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution: Analysis and Recommendations; § 3 Glossary, page 649. Further, poverty threshold is intended to estimate the bare minimum necessary for human survival; it does not reflect actual consumer expenditure. Please see Id. Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution; § 3 Glossary, page 649, (20)

2.         These general legal findings are support by the states in that at least here in Utah, for the purposes of indigence and waiving legal fees, appointing state counsel to represent a person in legal actions, etc. Utah law defines a person as indigent as having an income level at or below 150% of the United States poverty level as defined by the most recently revised poverty income guidelines published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (“USDHHS”). Utah Code Ann. § 77-32-202(3)(a)

Federal Poverty Level – Household Composition

3.         FPL provides that a person with a household composition of one, I.E. just you, would need to earn at least, as of February 2015 sum $17,655.00 a year to avoid falling under the 150% poverty threshold and therefore according to the federal government, state government and legal common law throughout, be adequately able to sustain income for necessary human survival. Therefore, a person with a household composition of one on average in the United States would need to earn a minimum of $9.19 an hour at 40 hours a week to maintain that threshold finding. A person with a household composition of two (single mother and child) would need to be earning $23,895.00 a year to avoid falling under the 150% FPL; or, at least $12.44 an hour at 40 hours a week. A person with a household composition of three (single mother and two children) would  need to be earning $30,135.00 a year to avoid falling under the 150% FPL; or, at least $15.69 an hour.

4.       If Time: Disparate Impact v females (single parents)

[Transition: Know Point 2/Why Change It - Logic ]

VI.           Pathos Need: Story/Personal relate

A.            As of 2011 CDC reports per 1000 population 6.8 people are married and per 1000 population 3.6 divorce. This comes to about a 50% divorce rate for all marriages in the United States.) Alternatively, 50% of all kids in married families will end up being raised by a single parent.

B.             Might think Utah, LDS church is strong here, no way getting divorce. CDC as of 2008 reports divorce rate for women in Utah are significantly above average. National average being 10.5 per 1000 women divorcing. Utah it’s 11.7 to 16.5.

1.              Men no better. Men National average being 9.9 per 1000 men divorcing. Utah its 10.9 to 21.0.

C.             Struggling families/single parents raising kids.

1.              Minimum wage not adequate to support a single person let alone multiple people in a household.

2.              Divorces occur before 20 years of marriage. Often times, early and resultant of financial issues. Persons are young, starting life, students, gaining skills necessary to be marketable. Not their fault nor are they being irresponsible or lazy.

3.              Me: two jobs, full time. School full time. Divorced father. CS/Daycare/Medical Expenses. AGI. $1260.00 $450 survive.

[Transition: Know Point 3/Why Change It - Human Experience (Emotion)]

VII.         Restate Main points
A.            History/Purpose
B.             Need 1 Logical
C.             Need 2 Human Experience (Emotions)


American Law Inst., Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution: Analysis and Recommendations (2001).

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